onsdag 3 juli 2019

Sapphire Flames by Ilona Andrews

Sapphire Flames (Hidden Legacy, #4)Author: Ilona Andrews
Title: Sapphire Flames
Series: Hidden Legacy #4
Publisher: Avon
Published: 2019
Genre: Fantasy/Paranormal romance
Links: Book Depository / Bokus / Goodreads

After having read and loved the other books of the Hidden Legacy-series, I was so excited to hear about Sapphire Flames. Getting the chance to read an ARC of this book was so great. Thank you Avon and Edelweiss+! (What is up with the flames on Catalina's hands, though? She should have wings!)

Sapphire Flames will be published on August 19 2019!

The first three books is about Nevada, the breadwinner of the Baylor family. This book is about one of her sisters, Catalina, who is a now a Prime (super awesome and strong magic person) and the head of the Baylor house. Not the easiest job in the world, keeping your family safe while also trying to run a business. Cue murdered people and the will to help a friend in need. Too bad the smoking hot Alessandro, who she's had crush on for ages, turns up at the most inconvenient times and is apparently not at all who he seems to be on his social media (shocker!). Oh, there's also bad people who wants to kill everyone and warped magic users and who even climbs in through someone's window?!

I loved this. Loved with big heart eyes and lots of feels. I loved reading about Catalina and how she had changed from the shy teenager who where scared to use her powers, to the strong, confident (fake it til you make it, right?) and badass woman she always have been. The whole world the Ilona Andrews has built up is also still amazing, even though I would have loved to dive in a bit more there - it's such a good start for the rest of the books (can they come now, please?). The glimpses of the different Alessandros are also fun and intriguing and I am eagerly awaiting the development of both the characters and their relationship. 
Also, I want to know more about Runa and Bern...?

The story in all was good - I like the mystery part of it and how pieces come together. Somethings are a bit out there on how they find things out, but the authors are really great at describing how the process works without boring us to death. The "endbattle" is so good, but the ending a bit anticlimactic.

Anyway, I highly recommend reading the first three books and the novella before diving into this beauty. You'll have a lot more flesh to the bones, so to speak and a deeper understanding for the world that surrounds the story - which is a huge part of it, so it's a shame to miss it. You also shouldn't miss Nevada and Mad Rogan, obviously.

5 of 5 wings

/ Denise

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