söndag 24 februari 2019

The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang

34506912Author: Jen Wang
Title: The Prince and the Dressmaker
Genre: Graphic novel/Historical
Publisher: First Second

A beautiful, sweet story about growing and accepting who you are. And not be afraid to reach for what you want. 
This book has everything I want in a graphic novel (apparently) - great, fitting art, interesting characters, a story that keeps my attention and an ending that makes me want to cry because it's so great.

Wang tells a story about a prince, Sebasitan, who feels more like himself when he's wearing beautiful dresses. When he can be his alter-ego, Lady Crystallia, he feels powerful and capable. Too bad it's not possible for a prince to show his people that he is a man who wears dresses. Frances, his dressmaker and friend, helps him in his secret, but grows more restless as her dresses makes the talk of the town and she can't even tell them that they are her creations.

What was so good about this? Like I said, the art was so great for this story. It's not only a story about being who you are, but also about friendship and love and trust. About prejudice and acceptance. And gorgeous dresses. This story had not been made justice if it would have been a regular novel. We needed these dresses in our lives, really. I also like the details around the book, the backgrounds, the way Frances is following her dream and the way a look says more than a thousand words (yes, no, that doesn't only go for pictures).

This is a book that makes you smile and you should definitely read it just so you can read and appreciate the ending.

5 of 5 butterfly dresses

/ Denise

fredag 22 februari 2019

Band Sinister by KJ Charles

39345944Author: KJ Charles
Title: Band Sinister
Genre: Historical romance
Publisher: KJC Books

This was a delightful read. Yes, delightful. I'm a fan of KJ Charles writing since reading the A Murder of Magpies-series and was hoping to have a similar experience now. And I did, I really did.

What did you like then? Well, the plot, for one thing. An innocent (or are they), sheltered pair of siblings having to spend time at the house of a notorious rake with his hellfire club of questionable behavior. And then they turn out to be not rakes at all (well, except some) and the hellfire club is actually quite marvelous and, oh, the man they're supposed to hate is really quite lovely and kind and have the most amazing... Right, okay, where were we?

The characters, talk about the characters! Yes, yes, if you insist. Yes, the characters. Guy was so likable, so fiercely loyal to his sister, Amanda, afraid of a lot but braver than most. Philip, such a loving man, with so much to give. And Amanda, Miss Kickass. And all the members of the Murder (it feels like some of them appear in other books? I have to read these) that we met were kind, humorous and loving. Guy's and Philip's relationship is really sweet, the talk is very Jane Austen-ish (no, I haven't read much classic literature, forgive me) (with a lot more pricks and the word "spend" involved) and I just liked it. I stayed up two hours past my bedtime to finish the damn book, so there you go in greatness. I absolutely love the way Charles writes romance, the relationship and the connection between the lovers. I loved it in the Magpie Lord (with followers) and I loved it now.

Something you didn't like, then? Well, I had a bit of trouble following the secondary characters - you'd think that would be no problem since everyone stayed in one house for almost the entire book, but yeah, I had to think more than once "Who is this fella?"And I guess Charles's way of writing isn't for everyone. The conversations can go on for a while and the dirty talk is... Well, it is, just... Different, I guess.

Why should I read this then? If you're looking for a sweet historical romance with humor, loyalty, so much love and friendship, with two men falling in lust and like and love, I believe you need look no further. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go neglect my duties as a mother/wife/sister/employer/student and binge-read KJ Charles books.

4 of 5 dirty latin books

/ Denise

onsdag 20 februari 2019

Deke by Eden Finley

43529869Author: Eden Finley
Title: Deke
Series: Fake Boyfriend #3
Genre: Romance/Sports romance/MM romance
Publisher: Independently published (I think?)
Links: Amazon / Goodreads

It's official. I am an Eden Finley-fan. There's not much to do about. This book was great and even though I'm way not into sports, Finley makes even those parts interesting.

I loved the chemistry between Ollie and Lennon and the humor with which everything was met. But there are also serious parts and those never feel dreary or melodramatic (let's face it, melodrama is way too frequent in romance novels). And let's not forget the steamy parts. We like the steamy parts. So, yeah, an all round good story with great feels, mushiness, humor and steamy sex.

What's it about then? Deke is a hockey player who's known he's gay since he was fifteen, have a supporting family except for the fact that he doesn't want to come out to the world - they don't understand. Lennon is a sports journalist with a thing for jocks and a heart of gold (really). They met, sparks fly, misunderstandings (or omitted truths) happen, laughs are laughed and asses and muscles are ogled.

Why should I read this then? I've read four or five books by Finley now and I like the way she writes, how she tries to include and how the stories feel real and interesting. Deke is no exception. If you're looking for a light book about two men in the sports industry (okay, there aren't all that much sports talk in this), who fall for each other, the fake boyfriend-trope, large big brothers and sweet sexual acts - then you'll probably like this.

4 of 5 hockey clubs

/ Denise

måndag 18 februari 2019

Waves by Ingrid Chabbert

40744544Author: Ingrid Chabbert
Title: Waves
Genre: Graphic novel
Publisher: Archaia
Links: Adlibris / Bokus / Goodreads

This made me cry so much. First when they lost their child and during most of the rest of the book. Telling the story of two people trying to conceive a child, succeeding and spending their days in happy bliss while waiting for the baby. Then, things go wrong and there won't be a child and the way this was portrayed, the sorrow and the hollowness of the parents-to-be - especially the one carrying the child - it broke my heart. But the rest of the book gave me hope and I love how the author made told the story through very little conversation and more through the illustrations and the colors. The mood of the characters were truly reflected in how the book came alive.

Who should read this? Anyone who have lost a child, have someone close who have lost a child or anyone who wants to try to understand the pain and how you move on. They way this is told is open and makes it possible for people, like me, who haven't lost a child or had trouble conceiving, to at least try to understand the emotions and the way life does and doesn't move on.

This is published May 7th 2019. 

5 of 5 waves

/ Denise

Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

41150487Author: Casey McQuiston
Title: Red, White & Royal Blue
Genre: Romance/New Adult
Publisher: St Martin's Griffin
Links: Adlibris / Bokus / Goodreads

Oh my God. This was a rollercoaster of emotions. I instantly fell in love with Alex. He's a hard working, loving, caring and funny character. He's a bit too stuck in his head sometimes and he has problems with going all in on something, even when he probably shouldn't. They way he's portrayed is believable - the humor, the love, the issues. He's the son of the president and he handles it really well. Until, you know, a certain prince comes along. This isn't really a hate-to-love story. It's more like a one-sided-hate-to-friendship-to-doing-it kind of story and I can't tell you more, because it'll spoil everything.

Okay, what can you say then? I can say that this book is full of great characters. Everyone has their wonderful personality - the sisters, the best friends, the bodyguards, the parents and everyone who's on page brings their own thing to the story. This is an accomplishment - to not have characters who are superfluous to the story. I can also say that even though this story was told solely from Alex's point of view, Henry's personality shone through more than enough. Oh, sweet Henry. I just wanted to hug him and tell him he's so awesome.

Why should you read this book? Um, because you're a living, breathing human being? No, but seriously. If you want to read a book with a great set of characters, a story about two people growing, loving, being and finding themselves, shock full of humor and also love letters and want your heart to melt into a mushy puddle - read this. I can't say much more, because I don't want to ruin the story.

(Oh, and this comes out May 14th. Sorry..) Also, look at that cover - I love it!

5 of 5 historical love letters

/ Denise

måndag 11 februari 2019

Ett litet steg i taget av Katherine Center

Författare: Katherine Center
Titel: Ett litet steg i taget
Förlag: Printz Publishing
Genre: Samtida skönlitteratur
Länkar: Adlibris / Bokus / Goodreads

Det är meningen att Margaret ska ha den bästa dagen i sitt liv. Det är ju alla hjärtans dag och hennes pojkvän verkar vara på väg att fria till henne. Synd bara att han verkar vilja göra det på det värsta tänkbara sättet.
Efter en olycka vaknar Margaret upp på sjukhus och plötsligt måste hon lära sig att leva igen, med förlorade funktioner i kroppen. Plus familjeproblem, en pojkvän som inte är värd vatten och den där skotska rehabsnubben.

För att börja med det positiva: Egentligen är 95% av boken bra - jag gillar Margaret, hur hon är skriven, hur hon funkar i vissa situationer. Hennes mamma fick mig att vilja strypa henne 100 gånger om, hennes pappa är en toffel, men en ängel och hennes syster är toppen. Att se Margarets motgångar och framsteg, hennes ovilja och hopp, hennes humor och sorg, det får mig som läsare att känna att saker hela tiden händer - även om det egentligen inte händer alltför mycket under bokens gång. De första fyra femtedelarna handlar om olyckan och tiden på sjukhuset, som utspelar sig över sex veckor. Sedan går det helt plötsligt flera månader innan boken slutligen är över.

Till det mindre positiva: Tja, jag tycker inte att det var fantastisk kemi mellan Margaret och Ian, det måste jag erkänna. Kanske var det för att Ian var så tillbakadragen, kanske var det miljön, kanske var det bara hur det är skrivet. Hur som helst, man undrar över vad som faktiskt pågår mellan dom - är det besvarat eller är han faktiskt bara en supergrinig tjurskalle. Och sedan är faktiskt boken bra, fram tills den sista femtedelen. Det funkar ändå, fram tills epilogen. Epilogen kunde författaren ha skippat helt. Visst, en del kanske vill veta vad som har hänt, men vissa saker är bättre att bara låta läsaren fantisera ihop själv. Personligen blev jag besviken på vissa delar i slutet av boken - andra delar var alltså bra.

Borde du läsa den då? Som sagt, jag gillade boken skarpt fram tills slutet - kanske gillar du slutet mer än mig? Men är du ute efter en bok om styrka, svaghet, att hitta sig själv när allt verkar gå åt helvete, familjerelationer och en gnutta romans, då tycker jag att du kan läsa denna.

3 av 5 rullstolar

/ Denise

söndag 10 februari 2019

Polaris Rising by Jessie Mihalik

Polaris Rising (Consortium Rebellion #1)Author: Jessie Mihalik
Title: Polaris Rising
Series: Consortium Rebellion #1
Genre: Science fiction/romance
Publisher: Harper Voyager
Links: Adlibris / Bokus / Goodreads

Polaris Rising was a huge surprise for me. I started listening to the audiobook on Storytel by chance, because I thought the plot sounded great and it was described as a "sexy space-opera". And I was hooked immediately. I liked the intrigue and the characters and I was never bored. The main character is Ada, who's the fifth child of six in one of the most important families in the universe. She's also run away from home, escaping an arranged marriage to a rivaling family. You see, the aristocrats grow up, being prepared for both treachery and espionage. But as much as she loves her family, Ada won't have it and decided to bail. Two years later, she's caught, meets a handsome, mighty dangerous fellah, escapes with him and comes over something that might start a war between the families. What will she do? Keep running, but be free to make her own decisions, or return to her family, risking both herself and her friends?

Okay, that's basically the plot (and the reason why I so rarely write summaries, because I never seem to get it right), but there's so much more going on. There's love and trust between friends and family, badassery, a not too complicated plot-line which still manages to make me interested in finding out more, space-ships, sexual tension (and okay, it does get a bit weird in those descriptions, but I hardly even notice anymore), intrigue, diplomacy, action and a beginning of a great background story. I can't wait to read the next book, which is about a character I definitely hoped I'd see more of. 

Also: It's a bit insta-love, but not so much as to be ridiculous, so I'm letting it pass. Loch is possessive, but not in a stifling way and Ada is so badass, she can take care of herself, thank you very much. I also loved the fact that Ada let herself have weaker moments - to let herself fall apart, to be able to put herself together even stronger and more purposeful. And the way the secondary characters where portrayed gave the story more depth and helped it move forward. Yeah, I liked this read. 

5/5 stun guns

/ Denise

torsdag 7 februari 2019

Ravished by Amanda Quick

Bildresultat för ravished amanda quickAuthor: Amanda Quick
Title: Ravished
Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher: Bantam
Links: Adlibris / Bokus / Goodreads

This is probably one of the most adorable historical romances I have ever read. Beast of Blackthorne Hall? More like Snuggly Bunny of Harriet Pomeroy's Heart. Geez, was this cute.

Harriet is a quirky, naive, quite-possibly-super-annoying creature. The amazing thing, though, is that I found her absolutely endearing. Her care and loyalty towards those she loves is a pleasure to read. She is crazy about her fossils and much of her time is spent thinking and talking of them. It's exasperating at times, but never off character - it's the way she's like and it's consistent throughout the story, which I respect. Gideon, then. Oh, I think I fell a bit in love with him from the first paragraph. His big and surly and tries is hardest to be a Beast, since that's what everyone expects him to be. But he very much not. Sure, he behaves badly at times, thinking he knows best (and yes, sometimes, big guy, you do know best). But he is a true sweetheart and I loved reading the parts where Harriet just shoved her love and adoration at him and he didn't really know what to do. Like I said - adorable!

What about the story? The intrigue is also very satisfying to read. I recognised who the "villain" was close to the ending - the author gives us some hints - but was guessing up until then. The secondary characters were also lovely to read - I would love to read a book about Felicity (has this happened?). Oh, and yes, here I go again, but I find books where the protagonists actually communicate to be my true love. The communication does not go completely smooth, but they learn and that's what matters.

What I learned in this book: I actually love a real good mutual argument. There you go. And I will probably check out Quick's other books, because I also like a good mystery in a romance novel. '

4.5 of 5 fossil teeth

/ Denise

tisdag 5 februari 2019

99 Percent Mine by Sally Thorne

Bildresultat för 99 percent mineAuthor: Sally Thorne
Title: 99 Percent Mine
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: William Morrow/HarperAudio
Links: Adlibris / Bokus / Goodreads

Well, well, well, Thorne, you've done it again. A cute, quirky, totally weird romance with unique characters.

I just finished listening to the audiobook of this gorgeous thing and I had to start writing a review immediately. I just loved Darcy, our main character. I loved that she had a trunk full of flaws and that Tom was the "perfect" guy. Darcy was the horny, messed-up, tough chick who could barely look at Tom without spontaneously combusting with desire. And Tom was, well.. Tom.

Okay, so what do I like about Sally Thorne's writing? Even though I didn't absolutely love The Hating Game, like everyone else, I thoroughly enjoyed it because of its quirky characters, the witty banter and, obviously, The Sexual Tension. And this book had it all, as well. Sure, it was a bit confusing at time - I would have liked a sort of background manual to read beforehand, to be able to keep up with the quips and angst. But also oh, so delicious.

Okay, what didn't I like with the story? Well, it's very character-driven, to say the least. We get the bare minimum of the background and none of the setting. But, also... I think that's because Darcy is that sort of person, when we meet her. She's self-absorbed and so stuck in her own head that it's hard for us to see outside of it. But really, it's a bit lazy - the author could have easily (?) gotten rid of some angsty thinking (yes, I love angst, but I don't like it being set on repeat, as I've said before, so just the right amount of angst for me, thank you) and added a bit more depth to the story.

Gosh, say what you thought about it, already! Okay, okay, I will. I'm saying that the characters could use with a bit more depth and the setting can be approved (I have no need of knowing the towns name or anything, because I would have zero idea where it is, anyway), but if you loved The Hating Game, I'm sure you'll love this one, as well.

Also, I think the ending is setting up for another love story. Just saying :P
And, recs for the audiobook read by Jayme Mattler - it's a great reading!

3,75/5 power drills.

/ Denise

lördag 2 februari 2019

Kärlekens lagar av Sarah Title

Bildresultat för kärlekens lagarFörfattare: Sarah Title
Titel: Kärlekens lagar
Serie: Kärlek på bibliotek #3
Förlag: Lovereads
Genre: Romance
Länkar: Adlibris / Bokus / Goodreads

Scroll down for the english version
Jag började läsa 30 dejter på 30 dagar av samma författare, vilken är den första delen i denna serie med fristående romaner om bibliotekarier, och fann att jag inte kunde ta mig igenom den. Den skulle vara feministisk, men tyckte bara att den var tråkig och inte för mig. Men, jag är inte den som ger upp på en författare bara för att en bok inte passade mig, så jag tog upp den tredje boken i samma serie när den kom. Och ja, den fångade mig från första sidan. Nu för tiden är tar det ett tag för mig att läsa klart en bok, speciellt en fysisk (alltså inte e-bok eller ljudbok i mobilen), så att det bara tog 2 dagar för mig att läsa klart den tyder på att den är lättläst och underhållande.

Vad gillade jag med denna bok, då? Jo, att Becky är en kvinna som egentligen vet vem hon är och älskar sig själv för det. Som kanske tar dåliga beslut och även om hon är hjärtekrossad, bannar hon inte sig själv för att hon är ledsen eller hatar sig själv för sina dåliga beslut. Hon accepterar dom, tycker att det är tråkigt, men hon är en smart, välutbildad och omtänksam person och innerst inne känns det som att jag som läsare vet att hon ser sig som så. Jag gillar även Foster jättemycket. Visst, han har sina negativa drag, men är det något som är tråkigt att läsa så är det perfekta karaktärer. Han är lika nerförälskad som Becky är och hans reaktioner på när han får vara med henne är så mysiga att läsa. Även bikaraktärerna är roliga och för storyn framåt.

Är boken perfekt då? Nej, absolut inte. Jag fattade inte var målet som Foster jobbade med egentligen handlade om och jag hade väldigt gärna sett en mer utvecklad bakgrundshistoria och mer interaktion med deras familjer, som hade påverkad dem så mycket under deras uppväxt och var knäppa och konstiga.

Ska ni läsa den då? Vill ni ha en lättläst, mysig och underhållande romance med en knippe gulliga hundar, knäppa familjer och en styck trotsig tonåring, så ja, det tycker jag absolut. Kolla även in de andra delarna - jag tänker i alla fall ge mig på att läsa andra delen så småningom.

3,5/5 herrelösa hundar

Laws of attraction by Sarah Title I started reading The Undateable by the same author, which is the first in the series of Librarians in Love, and couldn't get through it. It was supposed to be feministic, but it was boring and a not for me. But, I'm don't give up on an author because of one bad book, so I grabbed the third one when it arrived on my desk at work. And yes, it dragged me in from the first page. I'm having a hard time concentrating on books lately, especially a physical copy (as in, not an e-book or audiobook on my phone), so to say it only took me 2 days to read it is proof of how easy and entertaining this one is.

What did I like about the book? Well, Becky is a woman who knows what she wants and loves herself for it. She's not ashamed of being heartbroken and sad about it and, sure, the bad decisions she makes aren't that awesome for her, but it's nice to read a character who doesn't hate herself for decisions she makes. She's smart, well-educated and kind and I, as a reader, feel like I know that's how she sees herself. I also like Foster, a lot. Sure, he has his downsides, but how boring isn't to read perfect, square characters? He's just as enamoured as Becky and his reactions to being near and with her are sweet to read about. Even the secondary characters are fun to read and helps move the story forward.

Is this book perfect, then? God, no. I had no idea what the case Foster was working on was even about and I would have loved to read a more detailed backstory and met their families a bit more - they did affect them so much growing up and were silly and weird.

Should you read the book? If you want an easy, sweet and entertaining romance with a bunch of cute dogs, weird families and one rebellious teenager, then yes, you should. Check out the other parts, as well - I, for one, am going to try the second part in the future.

3,5/5 stray dogs

/ Denise

fredag 1 februari 2019

Falla Fritt av Heléne Holmström

Bildresultat för falla fritt helene holmströmFörfattare: Heléne Holmström
Titel: Falla Fritt
Genre: Romance
Förlag: Lovereads
Länkar: Adlibris / Bokus / Goodreads

Så kom den, boken som jag inte visste att jag väntade på. En svensk romance som fick mig att känna alla de härliga känslor som de amerikanska jag slukar med jämna mellanrum. Dessutom med en stark kvinnlig huvudkaraktär, Charlotta, som tillåts ha brister utan att det får henne att bli osympatisk och samtidigt vara riktigt badass. En kvinna som får älska sitt jobb som advokat och vara jäkligt bra på det, utan att det ska ursäktas eller prioriteras bort. Och Ignacio, ännu en karaktär med förmågan att vara både stark, "manlig, med brist på bättre ord, och känslosam. Jag gillade också att det är kvinnan som, förvisso med medmänsklighet, står för den hårda advokaten och mannen som jobbar för hållbarhet och mänskliga rättigheter (fast det är lite si och så, med omvända roller just i detta fall, så klart).

Något som jag har problem med i vissa romance-böcker är bristen på kommunikation. Visst, det får gärna uppstå lite missförstånd (vilket det också gör här), men om karaktärerna går halva boken utan att prata med varandra så kan det lika gärna kvitta. Detta är inget problem i den här boken. Här får vi följa två vuxna människor som vet hur man kommunicerar med varandra och det, om något, är romantiskt och sexigt, enligt mig.

Jag rekommenderar Falla fritt till alla som vill ha en härlig, smart och feministisk kärlekshistoria med starka kvinnor som känns både trovärdig och relevant. Eller ja, jag rekommenderar den till alla, så klart - jag tycker att alla borde läsa romance då och då.

En fantastisk grej - det kommer en till bok i samma miljö och jag kan knappt bärga mig!

5 av 5 champagnebuteljer

/ Denise

Stranded - Part 1

I've said it before and I'll say it again - there will be swearing and, later in the story, explicit sexy times. Just so we're ...