söndag 30 juni 2019

Meet Cute by Helena Hunter

Meet CuteAuthor: Helena Hunter
Title: Meet Cute
Publisher: Forever
Published: 2019
Genre: Contemporary romance
Links: Book Depository / Bokus / Goodreads

Oh, how I've missed reading romance. It's been a lot of fantasy and sci-fi for me lately, so now I felt like a pure romantic book. And I must say I choose good. This was a breeze to read, even if it made my heart squeeze multiple times.

Dax loses his parents and gets custody of his 13-year old sister. Kailyn is the lawyer responsible for the sister’s trust and becomes conservator for her, as well, when their aunt sues for custody. It’s just that Kailyn and Dax had a thing for each other in college and did not end on the best of terms. And starting anything now isn’t exactly the ideal situation.

What I liked about this book was the characters, I guess. The relationships between them and the way they handled the situations they were put in. Emme is probably the one a rooted most for, because she was a sweetie. I don't know if she was written accurately, though. Sometimes, she did not read like a thirteen-year-old - either younger or older. Still, she made my mommy-heart ache at times. I also liked Dax and to see his struggles as he tries to make a good life for his sister and himself.

I also liked how Dax and Kaylin were with each other. Their relationship is really two adults falling in love. There's some difficulties, considering the tragic loss, custody battle and the fact that Emme is Kailyn's client. Still, they always respect each other. And I actually really like reading stories where the woman makes the mistakes and has to make amends and be forgiven. As long as it’s not something totally unforgivable, which I don’t love not matter the gender.

Anyway, I’ve ranted about how much I dislike it when characters doesn’t communicate and don’t tell each other stuff because “reasons”. Well, this kind of toes the line. It's a kind of ridiculous "issue" that makes Dax mad, but I guess it could be taken out of proportion if you're under a lot of stress. I just don't see why Kailyn wasn't honest from the beginning, but I guess it is what it is. 

I recommend this to everyone who wants to read a sweet contemporary romance with two consenting adults, a brother protecting his young sister and a woman falling in love with them both in different ways, with a touch of depth and lawyers.

4 of 5 milkshakes

/ Denise

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