fredag 21 juni 2019

Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Aurora Rising (The Aurora Cycle, #1)Author: Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Title: Aurora Rising
Series: The Aurora Cycle
Publisher: Rock the Boat
Genre: Science fiction
Links: Bokus / Adlibris / Goodreads

You guuuuyyys! I am so effing pleased with this book. It's such a good start and it leaves me wanting more and more and more. Okay, so I've not read Illuminae - that will most definitely change in a near future - so I have nothing to compare this to. Maybe it's a good thing, maybe it doesn't matter. Anyway, long story way short - I loved this. (Also, my book is an Illumicrate-edition and it's a super sweet pink color, with pink sprayed edges. It's so pretty and cool).

Okay, long story long - I'm going to make a list of all the things I loved:

  • THE SQUAD! I mean, come on. It's a crew. A team. A squad. Friends. 
  • Like, everyone in the squad, because the authors really managed to make all of them unique. Even Zila, who basically says nothing. They all even manage to grow and develop some during the storyline.
  • The alternate POV:s - I know, right? It was really great to see what all of them were thinking and let us get to know them on a different level. I also felt it give the story more dynamic?
  • Finian - yes, he needs to get his own bullet point, he's so great and sweet and weird. 
  • The world - yes! I need to know more about the planets, about the government, about the virus, about the everything. I love it when I get sucked in to a world and don't get bored with the descriptions - extra super points for that one.
  • The story and background story. This is a good thing, I know - it would be awkward if I didn't like what's going on, right?
  • Basically the entire book, writing and everything.
Well, that was overly positive. Let me make you a bit more comfortable with adding some stuff that could have been done differently:
  • Okay, so you guys just risk your lives for a girl you met (and haven't met) a day ago? It all goes kind of fast, but I guess Tyler's sense of duty is the explanation for this.
  • Where's the actual queer rep? One character is queer, out of a bunch and it does seem like a pretty straight book..? It's set in space, with multiple species canoodling with each other, in the freaking future and it's still mostly girl meets boy? Is this a thing we're doing now? Anyway, I'm hoping to see more of non-binary and other queer characters as the series continues.
  • The alternate POV:s - yes, I know, I just put this on the wow-list, but even though it was great, it was also a bit confusing. I also wished some chapters were from other's views, but we can't have everything, I guess.
Yeah, that was that. Now, if you'll excuse, I'll go wait agonizingly for the next installment....

5 of 5 freaky eyes

/ Denise

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